BEING in Silence – group healing

  • Online Group Healings via Zoom
  • Sunday Evenings, bi-weekly
  • 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM CET
    7.30 pm - 8.30 pm    UK & Ireland
    2.30 pm - 3.30 pm    EST
    1.30 pm - 2.30 pm    CST & Colombia
    12.30 pm - 1.30 pm  MST
    11.30 am - 12.30 pm PST
  • For dates visit the reservation page.

The energetic group field present during "BEING in Silence" guides you beyond thinking to the Silence within yourself.

The group healing has the character of a Satsang. The word Satsang comes from Sanskrit: Sat means truth and Sanga means community. Satsang means: "being together in truth."

The group field present during the group healings connects you with the field of Silence, beyond all thinking. The effect this group field can have on you is that thinking calms down, and there is a sinking in, an attunement with what you truly are.

Due to the penetrating character of the group field, your system starts moving on various levels. Emotional blockages present on all levels in your body are being worked on and, when the time is ripe, resolved.

In summary, "BEING in Silence" is an allignment with BEING, with the Silence within yourself. A natural consequence/part of this is that there is an inner cleansing of what stands in the way of manifesting your BEING. This is, in fact, the essence of a healing: revealing your highest BEING.

Attunement to the Silence

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is often a challenge to stay rooted in Silence. Thinking and emotions easily overwhelm the quiet inner 'voice' of Silence. As long as Silence is not yet firmly rooted, a determined attitude of regular introspection, making space for Silence, is necessary. This can take various forms, from meditation to being in nature. When there is a lot of unrest, it may be necessary to face the underlying emotional patterns, possibly in a therapeutic setting.

The group healings 'BEING in Silence':

Resolving unresolved emotional patterns
Deepening the rooting of your consciousness in Silence.

What you can expect:

  • Calming of the mind
  • Tuning in/merging with the Silence
  • Rooting the Silence in your consciousness
  • Liberation of the body from emotional blockages on all levels.
  • Transformation of your life towards Wholeness, Health, and Joy.
regelmatig deelnemem-v2-NL

Reserving your spot

You reserve your spot through the online reservation system.

To participate, you first purchase points. With one point, you reserve one session.

Reserve the dates on which you want to participate.

During the Group Healing

It is advisable to sit upright during the group healing. When you sit, you are more consciously present in the process.

During the healing, your camera is on, and you stay visible on camera. This way, I can better follow everyone's process.


Participating more frequently in 'BEING in Silence' deepens your self-awareness. Regularly immersing yourself in this field of healing and Silence accelerates your growth process. This is also the goal of these group healings: to give a strong impetus to your growth.

When & Where

  • Sunday Evenings, every 2 weeks
    from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM CET
  • Online via Zoom
  • For dates visit the reservation page.


You will receive the Zoom link for the group healing via email half an hour before the healing starts.


4 groupshealings:  €160     (€20 discount)

3 groupshealings: € 125     (€10 discount)

2 groupshealings:  €  85       (€5 discount)

1 grouphealing:      €  45


How 'BEING' Can Heal

Access to BEING goes through your (energetic) heart. Just as your physical heart pumps blood to sustain the body, the energetic heart is the gateway to connect with your deepest BEING, what you fundamentally are. The 'place' where BEING originates is beyond all thought and imagination, in the heart of Silence. It is at this 'place' that everything that eventually takes physical form originates.

BEING is a living source of pure manifestation energy. When you set an intention from your heart, ripples of manifestation power emanate from BEING towards the physical layers of the cosmos, of which your body is a part. This results in transformations on various levels within the body, as well as in how you experience life.

The more you experience yourself as BEING, or the deeper you are connected with the source, the more directly setting an intention has an effect. Another way I often phrase this is that the closer you come to God, the more God listens.

My vision of a healer's role is to set an intention from their own connection with BEING, which sends out waves of manifestation power from Silence, allowing the Unity inherent in Silence to penetrate to the physical level. Practically speaking, this means resolving emotional/physical blockages. The body is opened more deeply to become a greater expression of BEING.

A healer is capable of connecting one person or an entire group of people with BEING through their system, thereby helping people in this way. The deeper a healer is connected with BEING, the more powerful the healing is.

Diepste wens-v2-NL