Healing videos are short videos in which I give a healing in front of the camera.
The amazing thing is that the energy of the healing can be felt every time you watch the video.
You are most welcome here if you could use some extra support. I wish you a lot of growth!

Do you want to experience a LIVE healing?
>>> This is possible during an online Zoom group healing. <<<
How to get the most out of these videos:
- Make yourself comfortable;
- Let your energy do the work;
- You can close your eyes if you want;
- Watch as often and as much as you like.
When is a good time to watch?
- You feel tense and you want to experience more relaxation;
- You have a full head and you want to empty your head;
- Your heart feels blocked and you want to open your heart again;
- You want to feel more energetic and happier.
The Videos
The first videos(#1) is great for starting or finishing.
Furthermore, I advise you to choose the videos that you feel attracted to.
Let your intuition choose for you.
You can watch videos more often for more effect.

#1 Get out of your head and land in your heart.
A gentle loving energy takes you along and lets you gently land in your heart.
#2 Open yourself to the softness of the heart.
#3 Opening the heart and dissolving tension in your energetic spine and brain.
The less emotional tension there is, the more flexible your body becomes.
#4 Experiencing safety in your tailbone.
Past experiences can make your lower body and pelvis feel tense. The result is that you get stuck in your head more. More safety in your tailbone means a more relaxed pelvis and an emptier head.
#5 Resolving fear and anxiety in the lower abdomen.
Gut feelings can be intense. They are, in fact, unprocessed emotions. When these emotions dissolve, there is more peace and relaxation in the abdomen and surrounding organs.
There are 10+ extra Healing Video's Available...
- 7 Healing Videos that treat the Chakras:
1st chakra: healing insecurity
2nd chakra: experience connection
3rd chakra: self confidence
4th chakra: experience softness of the heart
5th chakra: solving emotional blockages
6th chakra: opening the third eye
connecting all chakras
- 1x increase of self-love and self-worth
- 1x calming the mind
- 1x grounds in the heart (recommended)
- 1x BEING in the NOW (also recommended)

For only €23 you have unlimited access to these videos.
I keep the price for these videos low because I only want to cover the costs of making these videos. I also want to keep the videos accessible to everyone.
The extra healing videos are on a password protected page.
You can download the password after payment.
With the password you can log in via this link.