The Transformative Power of Silence & Group Healings

Lately, I’ve felt a renewed fire while hosting group healings. The energy field of Oneness and Stillness that arises in the group field opens a radically new way of connecting to life—free from fear, rooted in love and interconnectedness.

External Triggers and Inner Responsibility
It seems as though global events stir intense emotions, often triggered by fear. But what does this reveal about us? Are these events truly causing our reactions, or do they mirror something deeper within?

Awareness of the interplay between external circumstances and the fear they ignite internally is the first step toward freedom. But what does this mean for you and me? What needs to shift? It’s easy to blame the outside world for what happens to us. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t fight for causes you believe in, but rather to emphasize taking full responsibility for your feelings.

The Revolution of Non-Identification
Here lies the true revolution: People may mistreat you, hurt you, or speak harshly. Life may present harsh circumstances. Yet the emotions you feel remain your emotions.

A key element of feeling triggered lies in identification. When someone says something you identify with, you take it personally. The more entangled you are with your emotions, the more easily you’re triggered. Most of us live in a state of identification.

The Magic of Awareness
The real transformation begins when we recognize ourselves as love and boundless presence. What happens then when you meet emotional pain? By realizing you are not your emotions, you create space to fully experience them, move through their core, and dissolve them into love—a magical ‘transformation.

The challenge is not to identify. Because at first, emotions fiercely try to convince us they’re "real" .

Rooting in Love and Silence
By aligning with the heart—with what exists beyond identification—we root ourselves ever deeper in love. This is a lifelong journey requiring courage and resilience.  

A pivotal step on this path is awakening: a core de-identification from the thinking mind. A space opens within you that cannot be understood through thought, only through BEING. We live in a time where many people go through awakenings.

Silence as the Teacher
What awakens within us is the Voice of Silence. This Silence emanates from what I call Source—the incomprehensible Presence that is our deepest reality.

Ramana Maharshi, the revered Indian sage, said, *“Silence is the greatest teacher.”* Initially, when we rely heavily on the thinking mind, this feels abstract. But as the mind quiets and you fully land in the heart, this truth becomes clear. It requires time, trust, and persistence.

A key action is what I call Aligning with Source.

My Journey with Source
Let me share this: Every step I describe here, I’ve walked myself. It’s a challenging path—let me be clear—but for me, the only true one. It led me from suffering to abiding Presence.

Years ago, I discovered that Silence and Source can be bridged. In meditation, I extend this Silence or Source energy to individuals and groups. The resonance of Silence amplifies in everyone present, creating a twofold effect: old emotional patterns dissolve, and participants are drawn deeper into their inner Silence. This is the alignment I mentioned earlier. When alignment with Silence becomes strong enough, awakening occurs. This is the magic of working with Source—it pulls us inward to recognize ourselves as Source.

The Power of Group Healings
Lately, as my own system deepens and the Voice of Silence grows stronger, everyone in the group is pulled deeper into Silence too. As I said, this is Pure Magic.

Also, when being connected in Oneness in a group, we amplify our awareness to go even deeper.

This is why group healings are such potent catalysts for growth. Silence speaks. And it is calling you home.

Wilmar Vaartjes, March 2025