Personal growth and development also continues when we have reached a state of inner peace and stability. What could then come to the foreground is the inner call to an even deeper inner union. It is as if our heart is saying: "How can this happiness I am experiencing become even more complete?".
This can be the moment of an even more intensive inner search. The seeking is aimed at finding and experiencing a 'truth' that can give absolute certainty and fulfillment. This is the way of personal development: The clearing of all obstacles that stand in the way of experiencing this truth. This is a life's work and requires true art of living!
Sessions that focus on this kind of personal development support you by solving obstacles that stand in the way of a deeper Self-experience. The inner 'incomprehensible' Silence becomes comes more to the foreground of your awareness so that you can experience this as a support on your life journey.
You could say that the treatments you want to lead you to an awakening in your true Being. This is done in two (simultaneous) steps:
- Letting go of everything that you are not essentially are.
- Bringing forth the inner Silence, so that it can be felt and experienced in your daily life.